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Discovery Call & Action Planning Session
Our Immigration & Careers Manager, will meet with you on a video call for an hour or so to create and work through a clear plan including timelines, key objectives, migration goals and an employment wish-list.
This is an exciting start of your journey to make this dream a reality and the beginning of our working relationship with you.
You'll be clear on your eligibility and understand what steps to take forward to make this happen.

Work Ready
Our specialist Work Coaches, will take exceptional care of you throughout this process. You'll find things out about yourself you have no doubt long forgotten!
Let's talk about your CV. It is your marketing tool, it needs to be clear, concise and detail your career.
Yes, Kiwi CV's differ from our standard UK CV's.
Is Occupational Registration is required?
Do you need a Skills Assessment?
Do you need an NZQA [New Zealand Qualification Authority], for your Qualifications? -
We cover all bases to get you truly ready to be employable.
We make it simple for the employer to make you an offer!

Visa Ready
Our specialist Relocation Coach will get you and the mountain of admin and evidence needed organised with ease.
You DO NOT need to pay a fortune for a visa assessment or for a full visa assistance service.
However, there's a lot to prep for here, so be prepared!
There has been a drastic change to NZ's immigration policies of late that will affect you.
Be very wary of the 'traditional' emigration companies using the same methods they did more than a decade ago, things have changed.
We get your paperwork ready.
We get your relationship evidence in order (if needed). This is onerous and time consuming, however we have excellent systems in place to make it as pain free as possible. [Potentially even enjoyable]!
We get your Medicals sorted
We address any Police Check concerns
We gather clear evidence that you are who you say you are!
We gather vast paperwork and evidence to evidence that your dependents are yours and too, gather the relevant permissions for extended families where required.
This is very admin heavy, we've been doing it for years and our admin queen Helena will carefully guide you through the process with a smile

Relocation Ready
It is complex moving to the other side of the planet. Being prepared and having a winning team of experienced professionals around you is essential.
We work through all aspect of relocating such as;
Removals & Shipping
Pet Travel
Banking & Foreign Exchange
Pensions & Insurances
We also get you as prep'd as possible for when you land with key aspects such as;
Cost of Living & Budgeting
Culture Differences
Where to go, what to do.. and so much more...

Active Job Search
Contacts established over more than two decades, first hand experience and knowledge gained with a clear understanding on what does and doesn't work. It all adds up!
We offer a completely unique, comprehensive and professional, skilled job search and placement service.
We do all of the hard work for you.
We put in the hours, freeing your time up.
We unlock the 'hidden job market'.
We knock on the doors [usually virtually]
We proactively follow up.
We do NOT simply rely on emails.
We connect via phone and video calling.
We build relationships.
We put in the time to secure a strong understanding of your needs, dreams and aspirations.
We enjoy liaising, securing and maintaing a truly diverse and nation wide network of key decision makers, front line staff, mid and senior management, recruitment managers and business owner operators, Managing Directors and Chief Executives.
Every day, week, month and year we build upon our knowledge, we are energetic and thorough with our approach.
We strive to achieve outstanding results for you.
Our job is to get you your next job and hopefully a strategic and enjoyable career move.

Placement & Negotiations
BE AWARE! Landing an interview is just the beginning. Again, this puts our service head and shoulders above the rest!
We are in your corner, with your best interests in mind.
We know your worth and we tactfully and respectfully negotiate well for you to achieve the best pay-rates and remuneration package possible.
This is an exciting start of your journey to make this dream a reality and the beginning of our working relationship with you.
+2787 4053549